Tips for Memorizing Number Sense Tricks/Squares and Other Things

Memorizing is not always a great idea when it comes to math – and even in number sense it is important to learn why the tricks work. However, memorizing the tricks is also an important part of doing calculations quickly in your head. Here are some tips on how to do that.

Number One: Flashcards

Flashcards are awesome, and are the “classic” way to remember things like vocabulary in your language arts class. However, they can also come in handy for memorizing roman numerals, squares, unit conversions, etc. for your UIL Number Sense Test.

Number Two: Teach it to Someone!

Teach to Learn! Teach the trick to others, and this will help you internalize and understand the concepts behind the Number Sense trick. Teach your parents, your siblings, maybe the bird outside your window 🙂

Number Three: Practice, practice, practice

Yep. If you have read my post here: you know the importance of this one. Practicing these tricks with several examples over and over is very helpful to making these tricks muscle memory for your brain. After practicing enough, you will be able to achieve better speed.

Number Four: Break down formulas into a set of steps (determine if this works for you or not)

This one really depends on what your learning style is. Some people do better with algebraic formulas in terms of memorizations, but others may find breaking an equation down into a set of steps easier. For example:

y = 3a/b + ba, where a is the first number and b is the second

This is a random equation, by the way – not a real trick

Can instead be seen as

To get the result, multiply the first number by three, divide it by the second number, then multiply the two numbers and add it on.

And vice versa. See which “format” works best for you, and pick accordingly. For me, it is really a combination. Sometimes, at first the first one looks less intimidating, but the second format gets easy and becomes like muscle memory with time (with the help of tip number 3 😁)

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